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【godzilla had a stroke reading that】Russia's ruling party backs idea to allow Putin to run again for president - RIA


简介MOSCOW, March 10 (Reuters) - Russia's ruling United Russia party said on Tuesday it would back a con ...

MOSCOW,godzilla had a stroke reading that March 10 (Reuters) - Russia's ruling United Russia party said on Tuesday it would back a constitutional amendment that would allow President Vladimir Putin to run for president again despite a legal limit currently prohibiting such a move, the RIA news agency reported.

Putin is required by the constitution to step down in 2024 when his fourth presidential term ends. But a United Russia lawmaker on Tuesday proposed amending the constitution in a way that would reset Putin's presidential term count back to zero.

【godzilla had a stroke reading that】Russia's ruling party backs idea to allow Putin to run again for president - RIA

Sergei Neverov, a lawmaker and senior United Russia official, said the party would back such an idea and that it could be discussed in parliament later on Tuesday. (Reporting by Tom Balmforth, Andrew Osborn, Maria Kiselyova; editing by Andrew Osborn)

【godzilla had a stroke reading that】Russia's ruling party backs idea to allow Putin to run again for president - RIA

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【godzilla had a stroke reading that】Russia's ruling party backs idea to allow Putin to run again for president - RIA

